“My Mulan” team hosted a special press conference on Monday, July 10th at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto (CCC) VIP Pavilion, with guests including political leaders, sponsors, beneficiary, culture partner, performance partner, and community partners. 

“My Mulan” is an original fantasy dance drama co-organized by Canadian Mulan Culture Promotion Association and Canada International Dance Culture Association, and produced by My Mulan Culture Inc. and Lindance Academy of Performing Arts. “My Mulan” is a dance drama worth rewatching. The unique plot design, exquisite dance demonstration, and rich performing art styles culminated in this top-notched, indispensable feast of immersive art. It recalls the famous Chinese heroine’s story from thousands of years ago while presenting the positive effects this female role model can have on everyone at present: no matter how challenging life may be, it is up to you how you face it. The Mulan culture and spirit are timeless: every generation has an obligation to inherit and sustain them. 

2023 “My Mulan” Lead Dancers’ Main Characters – Adult Mulan & Barbarian King & General

In the opening remarks, Chief Director Lin Li thanked all the special guests, sponsors, and media for their support as well as the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto for becoming the culture partner and hosting the press conference. She passionately invites everyone to “come watch “My Mulan” performance, feel the Mulan power, and love all the way!” Producer Xu Hu recognized the “My Mulan” production team’s efforts and the significance of “My Mulan” in inspiring and instilling values of courage, belief, and love not just in the Chinese community, but every girl and everyone in Canada in general. 

Opening Remarks by Chief Director Lin Li (left) and Producer Xu Hu (right)

Alan Lam, Chairman of the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto, responded with excitement for the culture partnership and took the opportunity to introduce to the crowd filial piety––one of the Confucious values inherited in Chinese society meaning respect and honour of one’s family and ancestors. Alan reflected that the legend of Mulan has been portrayed in many forms of modern media and has become a symbol of courage for children, especially girls in the male-dominant society. The Mulan character challenges the traditional concept of womanhood and has therefore become a symbol of gender equality in addition to cultural heritage. Alan also encouraged everyone to come into the theatre to watch “My Mulan” to seek inner strength and strive to transcend lives just like Mulan.

CCC Culture Partner announcement by Chairman Alan Lam (centre left)

At the press conference, “My Mulan” production team received congratulations from the Right Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; the Honourable Senator Victor Oh; the Honourable MPs Majid Jowhari, Salma Zahid, Francesco Sorbara, and Mary Ng; ;MPP Vincent Ke Regional Councillors Alan Ho and Joe Li; and City Councillors from Toronto and Markham: Nick Mantas and Amanda Yeung Collucci. 

2023 “My Mulan” Greeting Letter from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

The Honourable MP Majid Jowhari firstly beautifully described “My Mulan” as “a journey across time and space” and that “through mesmerizing music, dance, and martial arts, [the audience] witness a modern girl’s path, intertwined with the legendary Mulan, as she discovers her true potential and inner strength.” The Honourable MP Majid Jowhari emphasized that “this inspiring tale resonates with women worldwide, fostering a world where possibilities are limitless”; mentioned that this year 2023 is marking the 100th year of the Chinese Exclusion Act “which resulted in many Chinese Canadians’ separation from families for more than 25 years and serves as a reminder for us to confront the realities of anti-Asian hate and discrimination that still persist in Canada even decades later”; and urged everyone to “remember the lessons of the past” and head toward a future where “all individuals are treated with respect and dignity regardless of race, religions, or ethnicity.” The Honourable MP Majid Jowhari also presented and read the greeting letter from the Right Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who speaks highly of My Mulan “ the organizers and performers for their commitment to fostering cross-cultural understanding and collaboration” and “their enthusiasm and hard work are vital to the success of this outstanding artistic showcase.”

MP Majid Jowhari (centre left) greetings representing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau  with Production Team and Lead Dancers

MPP Vincent Ke sincerely praised the top-notched “My Mulan” performance and recalled “I can’t even remember how many times I have been to this press conference… since the very first performance in 2019 before the pandemic… because My Mulan is so popular people love it.” He expressed pride and gratefulness for having been able to witness and support an excellent Canadian dance drama production portrayal of the inspiring ancient Chinese legend like “My Mulan”.

Toronto City Councillor Nick Mantas has watched the “My Mulan” before and speaked highly of the multicultural artistic contribution of this original creation. He wishes My Mulan would bring more joy to Toronto audience and get great success!

Also having watched and supported “My Mulan” from the very beginning, Regional Councillor Alan Ho passionately reminded the audience of the significance of gender equality as he states “we need to be strong, we need to remember history and [recognize] that even in ancient China female power was there 1700 years ago already”.

Regional Councillor Alan Ho sends greetings alongside Regional Councillor Joe Li (centre right) to “My Mulan”

City Councillor Amanda Yeung Collucci marvelled at how different actors had different adaptations and ways of expressing their characters to creatively tell how the story of a Chinese heroine in “My Mulan” can inspire thousands of young girls to grow up not just to become princesses but true warriors for their communities and society at large.

City Councillor Amanda Yeung Collucci marvels at and sends greetings to “My Mulan”

Scotiabank Branch Manager Spiros Barlas and Financial Advisor Yiyuan Bu shared about how Scotiabank aims to support communities especially through funding women-owned and women-led businesses in Canada. They are supporting “My Mulan” as Diamond sponsor so the production team can pursue their dreams and promote the courageous, confident, and independent character to inspire more women.

Scotiabank Diamond Sponsor represented by Financial Advisor Yiyuan Bu (middle left) and Branch Manager Spiros Barlas (middle right)

Since its premiere in 2019, “My Mulan” has successfully run 4 rounds for 9 performances in total, always with a diverse and talented cast. The upcoming 10th performance on August 4th serves as both the opening showcase of the 10th International Youth Dance Festival organized by the Canadian International Dance Culture Association and a significant celebration of the 10th anniversary of Lindance Academy. The Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto, as the culture partner and home theatre of “My Mulan”, is happy to jointly promote the development of the show and promote the self-awareness and self-improvement of women in Canadian society. 

Producer Xu Hu (left), Chief Director Lin Li (centre left) with CCC Culture Partner represented by Chairman Alan Lam (centre), President Angela Chan (centre right) , and Immediate Former Chairman Dr. Adrian Cheung (right)

The press conference also presented “specially invited starring artists” and “signed supporting actors artists” certificates to the lead dancers as they announced the establishment of the Canada Mulan Dance Company – a professional dance company aimed at uniting top-tier artists to create and perform original artwork showcasing the diverse cultural significance of dance. 

Save the date for this highly-praised performance this August and share it with your families and friends. For every ticket sale, the My Mulan production team donates $2 CAD to SickKids, in keeping with the “Love all the way” motto. The SickKids Foundation, represented by their Director of Fundraising Trinity Zhang, expressed appreciation for being the beneficiary of “My Mulan” ticket sale. By coming to watch “My Mulan”, you will also help support a brighter future for children in need of care and treatment.

SickKids Foundation––Beneficiary of “My Mulan” Director of Fundraising Trinity Zhang

The production team also recognized and expressed appreciation for all sponsors:

Scotiabank, Turn Lemons into Lemonade with Hua and Poy, TGG Finacial Inc. – Vicky Zeng, DTS Advance Logistics Inc., Luo Legal Professional Corp., Fox Styling, Sleepm – Mary, Fidelity Investments Canada ULC, William Li Homelife, BAO LIFE BRAND INC., Matthew Ma DESIGN, LingoAce, Arund, Wander on Paper;  performance partner Wayland Li Martial Arts Centre; and community partners Association of Chinese Canadian Entrepreneurs (ACCE) and the GTA Mom Club (mamabuluo). 

“My Mulan” Fantasy Dance Drama 2023 Performance Schedule:

August 4th, Friday, 7:30 pm

August 5th, Saturday, 7:30 pm

August 6th, Sunday, 7:30 pm


Ticket Price Levels:

$48/$68/$88/$128/$168 (VIP)


Ticket Purchase Methods:

Online at www.mymulan.ca (most convenient option)

Call 6478383268 or 4168865596

Visit in person at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto

Follow My Mulan on Instagram @mymulan.ca, Facebook/Youtube: My Mulan Fantasy Dance Drama, 小红书 ID: Lindance木兰舞团 for more updates. 


For media inquiries or interviews, please contact:

Mr. Xu Hu

Producer of “My Mulan”

Email: mymulan.ca@gmail.com

Phone: 647-838-3268

For more information about “My Mulan”, please visit https://mymulan.ca/


About the Canadian Mulan Culture Promotion Association

The Canadian Mulan Culture Promotion Association is a non-profit organization registered in 2019 in Ontario, Canada by Chinese-Canadian experts in dancing, poetry, martial arts and media. Our mission is to promote the values associated with ancient Chinese heroine Mulan: love, bravery and inner strength, to Canadians of all walks of life. We do this with the hope that young people will be inspired to become independent and to proactively solve their problems; and so that adults will be inspired to pass the “Mulan” values from generation to generation.

About the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto

The Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto (CCC) is a vibrant multicultural hub in Canada with three decades proud history in serving the diverse community. CCC takes pride in taking the leadership role in promoting and preserving Chinese culture and heritage in the context of Canadian society. To learn more, please visit www.cccgt.org